Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Seahorses and Sharks

We are making patriotic collages in honor of President's Day and our Country.  We are learning the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Mills, Colton, Dylan and Nicole playing Zoo Phonics Bingo.  This is serious business but loads of fun. The children are working very hard learning the sounds and signals and blending the sounds to create words.
It looks like Spencer has Zoo Bingo!  Thanks, Robert for your help!

 Francesca and Spencer working on their patriotic collages.  In Miss Jackie's group time, the children made a Pledge of Allegiance book. She explained the importance of the flag and the pledge. In addition to our morning prayer time, we will practice the Pledge of Allegiance in preparation for Kindergarten.
Well, well.  What happened Finley? and West are you giving me a smile or is Miss Jackie saying something funny?

Spencer and Luke are certainly giving Miss Jackie good attention. Looks like they are trying to find the United States of America!

During Miss Linda's group time, the children learned a poem about friends and then had to draw and name five of their friends. The children also picked a name of a classmate out of a basket, written on a paper figure. The children needed to read the name and then say something they liked about that friend.

                                                            Have a great weekend!

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